Papatoetoe North School Charter
Community Aspirations
Through a range of information sources and forums our community aspires for this school to:
be a place of belonging for their children and whanau.
be a place of academic excellence for their children.
value, encourage and use the different languages represented in the school community.
To celebrate the different cultures represented in the school community
To value and build upon prior knowledge that every family brings to school.
To be a place where their children can be happy and safe
To support their children to be prepared for secondary education and New Zealand society in the future.
In order to achieve these aspirations and considering the voices of the community, students, staff and the board the following was developed for Papatoetoe North School in 2020;
To have happy, healthy students enjoying success as themselves
We will enact our vision through the values of;
These values embody the journey of Papatoetoe North and the communities represented in the school community.
Over the course of this strategic plan we will co-construct the meanings and metaphors of these values with students, whanau, staff and community.
Treaty of Waitangi
We recognise Māori as the tangata whenua and as such we base what we do, say and believe on the principles within the Treaty of Waitangi.
We are all signatories to the Treaty and as such have the right to participation, protection and partnership.
All students bring who they are to Papatoetoe North school and can expect to participate in the teaching and learning, co-constructed with them and their whanau.
Our school community is made up from 50% Pacific families, 30% Indian/Fijian-Indian Families and 20% Māori families. We strive to be able to provide opportunities for all the people groups in our community to be able to interact using the tikanga and reo of Aotearoa, the Pacific islands and India.
Strategic Goals
Through the values and the Treaty of Waitangi we will fulfill the aspirations of the community by working to achieve the following four strategic goals for 2021-2023:
Deliver a curriculum that knows the learner
Build hauora through what we say and do
Make visible the identities in the school
Be fluent in digital technology
These goals will be communicated extensively to staff, whanau, students and the community over the next three years and the success criteria will be co-constructed.
National Education Learning Priorities
We believe that our community aspirations, values and strategic goals link closely to the NELPs and we will be able to enact these priorities through our local goals:
1. Learners at the centre – Learners with their whānau are at the centre of education (All strategic goals)
2. Barrier-free access – Great education opportunities and outcomes are within reach for every learner (Curriculum, hauora, digital technology)
3. Quality teaching and leadership – Quality teaching and leadership make the difference for learners and their whānau (All strategic goals)
4. Future of learning and work – Learning that is relevant to the lives of New Zealanders today and throughout their lives (Curriculum, digital technology)
5.World-class inclusive public education – New Zealand education is trusted and sustainable (all strategic goals)
Annual Plan Section - 2021
End of 2020 data:
Students achieving at or above their expected levels:
Maths: 60.7%
Reading: 64.4%
Writing: 58.2%
While male and female achievement is similar, Māori success is consistently 8% less than the whole school achievement. Pacific island success is in line with the whole school achievement.
In the 2020 term attendance data survey Papatoetoe North School achieved below other similar decile schools, other schools in Auckland and other co-ed schools in New Zealand.
The effect of the Covid lockdowns may have been a factor in these outcomes but we have also identified other areas that we will continue to build upon from 2021:
Cohesion of strategic planning, documentation and implementation
In order to achieve our three year strategic goals we will achieve the following targets by the end of 2021:
100% of students achieve at or above their expected levels in reading, writing and maths
100% of students attending school at least 90% of the time
Papatoetoe North School
Ph: (09) 278 6153 or 0800 PAPNTH
Map: View Map
2025 Term dates
Term 1: Wed 29 Jan-Fri 11 Apr
Term 2: Mon 28 Apr-Fri 27 Jun
Term 3: Mon 14 Jul-Fri 19 Sept
Term 4: Mon 6 Oct-Thurs 11 Dec